
Restaurant Reservation System

Bookea tu Mesa is a web application that allows users to make reservations at various participating restaurants in Puerto Rico. Users can browse through available restaurants, view their details, and make reservations for specific dates and times. The system also provides an admin panel to manage reservations and restaurant information.


Technologies Used


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Import the database: Use the provided SQL file to import the database structure and sample data.
  3. Configure database connection: Update the database connection details in the relevant PHP files (database_connection.php, insert_reservation.php, authenticate_user.php).
  4. Set up a web server: Configure a web server (e.g., Apache) to serve the project files.
  5. Access the application: Open the web browser and visit the application URL to access the Restaurant Reservation System.


  1. Browse the list of participating restaurants.
  2. Click on a restaurant to view more details.
  3. Make a reservation by selecting a date and time.
  4. View and manage reservations (Admin users only) through the admin panel.


Contributions to the Restaurant Reservation System project are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open a new issue or submit a pull request.
